


本規約はe-Job Agency Limited(以下「e-Job」)が提供する人材紹介サービスに関する各種規定および料金体系等について定めたものであり、クライアント企業の従業員直接雇用(フルタイム、パートタイム、契約期間の有無を問わない)の人材紹介サービスに適用される。

  1. 人材紹介サービスとは、e-Jobのホームページ(https://e-job.hk/)やe-Job主催のイベントやセミナーを介した人材紹介のことを指し、人材紹介サービスの手数料と保証期間は以下表の通りとなる。なお、手数料と保証期間は予告なく変更する場合があり、変更後の手数料と保証期間については、e-Jobのホームページに記載されている金額と期間に従うこととする。従って、クライアント企業はe-Jobのホームページ(https://e-job.hk/)に更新された料金と保証期間を随時確認することを推奨する。

    2024年7月1日 現在
    雇用形態 ※ 人材紹介サービス料 保証期間
    フルタイム従業員 採用者の年収の15% 1ヶ月間
    パートタイム従業員 採用者の年収の15%又はHK$5,000の高い方 1ヶ月間
    インターンシップ 採用者の年収の15%又はHK$5,000の高い方 1ヶ月間

    「フルタイム従業員」とは、1週間に少なくとも30時間をフルタイムで勤務している 従業員を指す。「パートタイム従業員」とは1週間に30時間未満の勤務を想定する従業員を指す。「臨時従業員」とは、定められた期間を時間給で支払われる従業員を指す。「インターンシップ」とは有給、無給に関わらず、特定の職の経験を積むために、企業や組織において労働に従事する者を指す。

  2. 上記の採用者の月給とは、e-Jobが紹介した候補者が、クライアント企業に入社した後、1ヶ月間に受け取る月額給与の合計を指す。具体的には、月給は支給が保証されているすべての給与や手当(住宅手当、通勤手当、扶養家族手当、出張手当、食事手当、教育手当など)のことを言う。ただし、定額が保証されていない手当や福利厚生(皆勤手当、残業代、休日出勤手当)や、業績賞与については給与に含めないこととする。

  3. (a)クライアント企業が、e-Jobから紹介した候補者を勤務開始日より保証期間を過ぎて雇用している場合、クライアント企業はe-Jobへ人材紹介サービス料を支払わなくてはならない。


    (c)人材紹介サービス料および遅延金の請求書は、保証期間が完了した日に発行される。クライアント企業はe-Jobの指定銀行口座に直接支払うか、「e-Job Agency Limited」を受取人とした小切手を送付するものとする。 e-Jobのすべての請求書について、クライアント企業は請求書の日付から30日以内に全額支払わなければならない。請求書発行日から30日を過ぎても支払いが行われない場合、1ヶ月あたり5%の遅延金がサービス料に加算される。

    (d) サービス料は完全成功報酬となっており、候補者の雇用前にe-Jobより請求されることはない。すべての料金は、香港ドルまたは他の通貨での同等額(雇用日の国際為替レートに基づいて計算)で請求される。

  4. 保証期間に関して、候補者が保証期間内に退職した場合、e-Jobは以下の状況が発生した場合を除き、クライアント企業にサービス料を請求しない。

    (a)e-Jobのホームページ に掲載された採用情報と、クライアント企業が提供した実際の労働条件との違いにより、候補者が退職した場合。もしくは、




  5. クライアント企業が候補者を雇用または契約し、業務開始日から30日以内にe-Jobへの報告を怠った場合、クライアントは e-Jobに、通常のサービス料金と第3条 (b) に記載されている遅延金に加えて、HK$5,000の固定ペナルティーを支払う。

  6. e-Jobの人材紹介サービスを利用して採用したにもかかわらず、候補者の雇用を故意に隠蔽したことが判明した場合、正規の人材紹介サービス料と第3条と第5条に記載されている遅延金に加え、契約違反としてサービス料の3倍の金額を追加ペナルティーとしてクライアント企業はe-Jobへ支払わなくてはならない。

  7. e-Jobがクライアント企業へ紹介した求職者を他の人材紹介会社もクライアント企業へ紹介した場合、e-Jobが最も早く紹介した場合に限り、クライアント企業は人材紹介サービス料をe-Jobへ払わなければならない。

  8. e-Jobが最も早く紹介した候補者をその時は雇用せず、e-Jobの紹介日より12ヶ月以内にこの候補者を雇用した場合、もしくはe-Jobが紹介した候補者を一旦採用したにもかかわらず保証期間内に雇用契約を解除し、e-Jobの紹介日より12ヶ月以内にこの候補者を再雇用した場合、その間の他の人材会社による紹介あるなしにかかわらず、この候補者の紹介はe-Jobの紹介業務が寄与したこととし、クライアント企業はe-Jobにサービス料を支払わなければならない。

  9. e-Jobが提供する候補者の個人情報(学歴、職歴、能力、経験、知識など)は、候補者がe-Jobに提供したものに基づいて作成されており、 e-Jobは、このような個人情報の正確性、真実性、完全性については保証しない。候補者の個人情報は参考までとする。クライアント企業は必要と思われる求職者と個人情報に対して、全て自己責任で確認する必要がある。採用またはその他の決定はクライアント企業の判断により行われ、クライアント企業が候補者を雇用した後は、e-Jobはその責任を負わない。 e-Jobは、提供された個人情報が完全、真実、正確であることをクライアント企業に保証しない。クライアント企業は、候補者の個人情報の内容や取り扱いに対しての過失、重過失、不完全、不誠実により生じた損害について、e-Jobに対して請求する権利を放棄する。

  10. (a)e-Jobが本規約もしくは衡平法の違反または不法行為を行ったことにより、クライアント企業がe-Jobに対して請求を行った場合、クライアント企業に損害または損失を引き起こす不履行当事者であると証明されたに限り、クライアント企業は当該サービス料金を上限として請求することができる。


  11. 本規約に基づくクライアント企業のすべての未払い費用は、本規約の終了または中途解約後も存続する。

  12. 本規約の有効期間は、本規約を同意した日から1年間とする。この規約は、クライアント企業からの通知がない限り、同じ条件の下でさらに1年間自動的に更新されるものとする。本規約を解約する場合、クライアントはe-Jobに1か月前に書面による解約通知を行わなければならない。通知は、レター、ファックス、または電子メールの形式で行うことができるが、クライアント企業の権限のある代表者の正式な署名と社印の捺印が必要となる。

  13. (a)クライアント企業は、すべての機密情報がe-Jobの唯一かつ独占的な財産であることをここに認める。クライアント企業は、必要に応じて、役員やその仕事に関わる従業員にのみ、この情報を開示できるものとする。




  14. 本規約は、本規約と同じ主題に関する両当事者間の本規約の締結前または締結時における書面または口頭による合意に取って代わる。本規約は、香港の法律に準拠し、これに従って解釈されるものとし、両当事者は、香港の裁判所の専属管轄権を変更できないものとして従うものとする。

Last modified: July 1, 2024

This Terms of Service constitutes the terms and conditions of the recruitment service to be provided by e-Job Agency Limited (“e-Job”), including its service fee schedule, which apply to all the recruitment services e-Job provides for employment of full-time workers, part-time workers (regardless of whether the period of the employment contract is fixed or not).

  1. The recruitment services refer to recruitment service through e-Job’s homepage (https://e-job.hk),events and seminars to be held by e-Job, and respective fee for recruitment services shall apply. The warranty period can be referred to the table below. The fee and the warranty period may be revised without prior notification and agreement. The revised fee and warranty period can also be found in e-Job’s website, therefore, it is recommended that the Client should time to time check the updated fee and guarantee period/status on the website (https://e-job.hk) for details.

    July 1, 2024
    Employment Status ※ Service Fee Warranty Period
    Full-time employee Charge 15% annual income of the employee 1 month
    Part-time employee Charge for higher cost of 15% annual income of the employee or HK$5,000.00 1 month
    Internship Charge for higher cost of 15% annual income of the employee or HK$5,000.00 1 month

    "Full-time employee" refers to a monthly-paid employee who works full-time with working hours of at least 30 hours a week. "Part-time employee" refers to a monthly-paid employee who assumes work of less than 30 hours a week. "Temporary employee" refers to an employee who is paid by hourly rate. "Internship" refers to a person engaging in labor in a company or organization in order to gain experience of a specific job role, whether paid or unpaid.

  2. The monthly salary of the above employee refers to the total salary received during one month of providing service by the candidate to the Client, who is procured and/or introduced by e-Job after recruited by the Client (“Candidate”). Specifically, monthly salary refers to all ordinary and regular payments to the Candidate for work and services including benefits (such as housing allowance, transport allowance, dependent allowance, traveling allowance, meal allowance, education allowance etc.). However, any unfixed allowances or benefits (such as full attendance allowance, overtime fee, holiday attendance allowance) and discretional performance bonuses are not included as salary.

  3. (a)The Client is liable to pay e-Job recruitment service fee as long as the Candidate has been employed by the Client when the warranty period is expired.

    (b)It is the Client’s sole duty to report back to e-Job within 3 business days from the date the Candidate commences work with the Client. If the Client is late in reporting to e-Job within 3 business days, a late charge of 2% of the service fee will be chargeable forthwith by e-Job in addition to the service fee for every 10 days’ late in reporting (to be calculated on pro rata basis). Subject to Clause 5 below, this late charge is chargeable until and including the date that the Client reports back to e-Job.

    (c)Invoices for recruitment service fee(s) and/or any late charge(s) will be issued on the date the warranty period is expired. The Client shall either pay directly to e-Job’s designated bank account or by sending cheque(s) drawn in favour of “e-Job Agency Limited”. All e-Job’s invoices must be settled in full within 30 days from date of invoices. If payment is not duly received after thirty days from the invoice issue date, a delay of 5% is added per month.

    (d) The fee is charged on contingency basis and no fee is required before employment of any Candidate. All fees are billed in Hong Kong Dollar or its equivalent in any other currencies (to be calculated and converted based on the international official rate on the date of employment between the Client and the Candidate).

  4. In relation to the warranty period, should the Candidate resigns within the warranty period, e-Job will not charge any fees to the Client, save and except the happening of any of the following circumstances:

    (a)The Candidate resigns due to the difference between information contained in the recruitment published on e-Job website and the actual work condition given by the Client; or

    (b)The Candidate’s work duty or act required of by the Client is of or relating to an illegal act in Hong Kong; or

    (c)The Candidate, due to no fault of the Candidate, is dismissed unreasonably by the Client; or

    (d)The Client did an illegal or unreasonable act causing the Candidate to be dismissed or resigned on his/her own initiative.

  5. In the case where the Client employs or engages a Candidate (which is in substance an employment) and fails to report back to e-Job within 30 calendar days from date of commencement of work by the Candidate, the Client shall be responsible to pay e-Job a fixed penalty of HK$5,000 in addition to the regular service charge and the late charge as stated in Clause 3(b).

  6. In the case where the Client intentionally conceals the employment of a Candidate who is introduced by the recruitment services of e-Job, the Client is liable to pay an additional penalty of three times the amount of the regular service charge in addition to the regular service charge and the late charge as stated in Clause 3 and Clause 5.

  7. In the case where the potential candidate who e-Job first introduced to Client is also introduced to the Client by other third party recruitment agencies and this potential candidate commences employment subsequently with the same Client through introduction by any of third party recruitment agencies, the Client is liable to pay e-Job service fee as this recruitment is deemed to be procured successfully by e-Job first for the Client.

  8. In the case where a potential candidate is introduced to Client by e-Job first but was not employed by the Client and then this potential candidate commences employment subsequently with the same Client at any time within 12 months after e-Job’s first introduction, or in the case where a potential candidate is introduced to Client by e-Job first and the Client employs the potential candidate but terminates the employment before the warranty period is expired and then the potential candidate commences employment again with the same Client at any time within 12 months after e-Job’s first introduction, (whether or not through introduction by any third party recruitment agencies), the Client is still liable to pay e-Job service fee as this recruitment is deemed to be procured successfully by e-Job for the Client.

  9. The employment information of a candidate as provided by e-Job, such as academic background, employment history, ability, experience, knowledge etc., are listed as per the candidate’s representation to e-Job. e-Job made no representation as to accuracy, truthfulness and/or completeness of such employment information. All such employment information of the candidate is for reference only. The Client is responsible for all checks against the candidate and his/her employment information as the Client may deem necessary at their sole expense. After the Client has approved a candidate, the decision of employing or otherwise is solely by the Client, e-Job takes no responsibility thereof. e-Job at no time guarantees nor warrants to the Client that the employment information provided are complete, true and accurate and the Client hereby expressly waives its right to make any claims against e-Job for any damages or losses as may arise due to negligence recklessness incompleteness untruthfulness in the handling providing of or contained in the employment information of a candidate.

  10. (a)Should there be any claim against e-Job by the Client, the Client accepts that the total liability of e-Job shall be limited up to an amount equal to and not more than the service fee charged or chargeable, provided that e-Job is proven to be the defaulted party in causing such damages or losses to the Client through breach of this Terms of Service and/or in the law of equity or tort.

    (b)In no event shall either party hereof be liable to the other for any punitive, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or expenses arising out of this Terms of Service even it has been advised of the possible existence of such liability.

  11. All outstanding payment obligations of the Client under this Terms of Service shall subsist even after termination or early termination of this Terms of Service.

  12. This Terms of Service shall continue in effect until one year from the date of commencement of this Terms of Service. This Terms of Service shall be automatically renewed for another one year under the same terms and conditions, unless intention from client. In the case of cancellation of this Terms of Service, the Client must give e-Job a one-month prior written notice of cancellation, which can be made in the form of letter or fax or email (duly signed with company chop affixed by authorized representative of the Client).

  13. (a)The Client hereby acknowledges that all Confidential Information is the sole and exclusive property of the e-Job. The Client shall disclose Confidential Information only to those of its officers and/or employees (ⅰ) to whom such disclosure is necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Terms of Service or for recruitment purpose; and (ⅱ) who are bound to duties of confidentiality as appropriate to the Client’s obligation hereunder. Except as specifically agreed to in writing between the Client and e-Job, neither the Client nor any of its officers or employees shall, at any time during the term of this Terms of Service or thereafter, directly or indirectly, communicate or disclose to any person not specifically authorized by e-Job or use any Confidential Information for its or his/her own account or business. The term “Confidential Information” as used herein means any information or materials disclosed to the Client or known by the Client directly or indirectly as a consequence of or through its engagement hereunder, including any personal and/or employment information of a candidate, the business and/or accounts of e-Job, all Terms of Service and the terms and conditions therein made between the Client and e-Job.

    (b)Without limiting the foregoing, the Client shall implement and maintain security procedures in accordance with no less than standard best practice to ensure that any personal data or any personally identifiable information of candidates/ employees/ customers/ suppliers and Confidential Information of e-Job is not lost, stolen, divulged or otherwise used, modified or accessed by any third party without e-Job’s prior written approval.

  14. This Terms of Service replaces or supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous or existing oral or written agreement entered into between e-Job and the Client in the respect of the same subject matter. This Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.


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